Combining Node and React: Using CSS Class Names with Hyphens

Currently, my project utilizes react-starter-kit and includes several react components, each with its own styling file (scss). Every component imports the styling file at the top like this:

import s from './Header.scss';

When it comes to using css classes without hyphens (e.g. 'notification'), there are no issues. However, I am struggling to use hyphenated css classes:

render() {
 return (
  <div className={s.header-inner}> </div>

Unfortunately, this results in an error: 'inner is undefined'.

I attempted to change header-inner to header_inner both in my html and in the component, which worked fine. However, due to the large number of classes in my css file, manually changing them all is not feasible.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

- is not a recognized identifier character, which means your original code would be interpreted as:

s.header - inner

Since you have not declared a variable named inner, you will encounter a reference error.

Nevertheless, any character can be utilized to form a key for an object, so you can use a string to access the desired property:

return (
  <div className={s['header-inner']}> </div>

Answer №2

You have the ability to assign a CSS class by using a dot without needing to enclose it in brackets.

Check out

If you configure webpack's css-loader like this:


Then you can utilize it in code like so:

<div className={s.headerInner}> </div>

Answer №3


When working with JavaScript, dot notation can be convenient but it may not work for all variable names. In cases where the variable name is illegal, it's best to use bracket notation instead.

Another tip to keep in mind is that CSS styles in JavaScript should be written in camelCase format. For example, if you're setting a style like this:

<div style={{ backgroundColor: '#FFF', zIndex: 3 }} />

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