Tips for utilizing div as a dropdown menu

I have a challenge with the following code and I am looking to make it function like a dropdown one by one

For example:




<ul class="first">
  <li class="first-a"><a href="https://someurl">ABCD</a>
    <ul class="second">
      <li class="second-a"><a href="https://someurl">1234</a>
        <ul class="third">
          <li class="third-a"><a href="https://someurl">abcd</a></li>

I have implemented CSS along these lines:

.first li {
  position: relative;

.second {
 position: absolute;
} {
  display: block;

and added this JavaScript:

$( ".first-a" ).click(function() {
  $(".second").removeClass( "open" );
  $(".second", this).toggleClass( "open" );
$(window).click(function() {
 $(".second" ).removeClass( "open" );

However, so far none of these methods have been successful in achieving the desired functionality

Answer №1

To add functionality to a specific li element within your project, you can create a click event using jQuery. First, give the li element a class for targeted selection. Then, remove the "open" class from all sibling li elements and toggle the class of the clicked li.

$("li").click(function(e) {
  var $thisLi = $(this);     
  $thisLi.parent().children('li').not($thisLi).removeClass( "open");
  $thisLi.toggleClass( "open");                                      
li {
  position: relative;

li>ul {
}>ul {
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="first">
  <li class="first-a"><a href="https://someurl">ABCD</a>
    <ul class="second">
      <li class="second-a"><a href="https://someurl">1234</a>
        <ul class="third">
          <li class="third-a"><a href="https://someurl">abcd</a></li>
  <li class="first-a"><a href="https://someurl">ABCD</a>
    <ul class="second">
      <li class="second-a"><a href="https://someurl">1234</a>
        <ul class="third">
          <li class="third-a"><a href="https://someurl">abcd</a></li>

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