Trigger a function when clicking outside the element, similar to how a Bootstrap modal is closed

I have successfully created a popup box using angular in my project. It appears when I click on an icon and disappears when I click on the close button. However, I would like it to also close if someone clicks outside of the popup. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you in advance. html code

<p ng-click="openPopUP()">openPopUp</p>

<div ng-show="popup">
<p ng-click="closePopUp()">Close</p>


$scope.openPopUP = function(){
$scope.popup = true;
$scope.closePopUp= function(){
$scope.popup = false;

I am looking for a way to automatically close the popup if someone clicks outside of the div.

Answer №1

Within the controller logic:

 angular.element(document.body).on('click', function() {
     $scope.$apply(function() {

Answer №2

Before proceeding, make sure to check out this helpful post for tips on how to close popups.

To enhance @pixelbits solution, simply include the line $event.stopPropagation(); within the popup div.


<p ng-click="openPopUP()">openPopUp</p>

<div ng-show="popup" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation();">
<p ng-click="closePopUp()">Close</p>


angular.element(document.body).on('click', function() {
     $scope.$apply(function() {

$scope.openPopUP = function(){
 $scope.popup = true;
$scope.closePopUp= function(){
 $scope.popup = false;

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