Tips for utilizing CSS container queries in conjunction with the Material-UI framework

I'm looking to implement CSS container queries with MUI. In my code, I want to change the background color to red if the parent width is less than 300px.

Check out the sandbox

const StyledItem = styled("div")(({ theme }) => ({
  border: "solid 1px",
  padding: 100,
  ["@container (max-width: 300px)"]: {
    background: "red",

export default function BasicGrid() {
  return (
          <StyledItem>I will turn red when the width is under 300 pixels</StyledItem>

Answer №1

Your example is almost there -- to make the Container Query work, you just need to include a container-type on the element you want to use as the container. (The square brackets in your example are unnecessary.)

In your code snippet:

const Item = styled("div")(({ theme }) => ({
  border: "solid 1px",
  padding: 100,
  "@container (min-width: 300px)": { // Corrected your query to min-width and removed brackets
    background: "red",

export default function BasicGrid() {
  return (
    {/* Adds containerType to the "container" element */}
    <div style={{ containerType: "inline-size" }}>
          <Item>I turn red for width smaller than 300</Item>

I have provided additional examples in this sandbox that demonstrate using MUI's Grid, adjusting content based on the available size of the container.

Large example - Content constrained to 100%:

Smaller example - Content constrained to 300px:

Smallest example - Content constrained to 250px:

Working CodeSandbox:
Browser Support:

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