I'm having trouble getting CSS to apply to my HTML file. Any idea why?

I conducted tests in both Chrome and Firefox, ruling out any browser-related issues. My CSS has been validated and is error-free. However, when I validate my HTML code, an error message pops up stating "Bad value “stylesheet” for attribute rel on element link: The string “stylesheet” is not a registered keyword." which leaves me puzzled. Below is the snippet of my code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel =“stylesheet” href=“javajam.css” type=“text/css”>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>JavaJam Coffee House</title>

<h1>JavaJam Coffee House</h1>

<a href = "index.html">Home</a>&nbsp;
<a href = "menu.html">Menu</a>&nbsp;
<a href = "music.html">Music</a>&nbsp;
<a href = "jobs.html">Jobs</a>&nbsp;

<li>Specialty Coffee and Tea</li>
<li>Bagels, Muffins, and Organic Snacks</li>
<li>Music and Poetry Readings</li>
<li>Open Mic Night Every Friday</li>

<dt>54321 Route 42</dt>
<dt>Ellison Bay, WI 54210</dt>


Copyright © 2016 JavaJam Coffee House



body {
color : #2E0000;
background-color : #F5F5DC;

h1 {
background-color : #D2B48C;

footer {
color : #000000;
background-color : #D2B48C;

Answer №1

Here's a better alternative:

<link rel="stylesheet” href="javajam.css" type="text/css">

I made some adjustments to the quotation marks for clarity.

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