"Exclusive Mui sx styles will be applied only when a specific breakpoint

As I update my old mui styling to utilize the sx attribute, I've noticed the ability to specify styles for different breakpoints using

sx = {{ someCssProp: { xs: ..., md: ...
and so on.

Prior to this, I had been using theme.breakpoints.only for some of my styles. After reviewing the documentation on breakpoint usage from the official MUI docs, it appears that the xs, md, ... parameters within sx will only apply with theme.breakpoints.up... This means if I want styling specifically at the xs breakpoint, a code snippet like:

<Box sx={{background: {xs: 'blue'}}}>Some content</Box>

will result in the Box having a blue background starting from the xs breakpoint...

Is there any way for me to achieve a similar outcome as my previous use of .only?

Answer №1

It's clear that the breakpoints object syntax only applies when moving "up" (larger) according to the documentation:

Using Breakpoints as an Object

One way to set breakpoints is by defining them as an object with each breakpoint value serving as a key. It's important to note that each property defined for a specific breakpoint also applies to all larger breakpoints within the same set. For instance, width: { lg: 100 } is the same as using theme.breakpoints.up('lg').

With your current code, this means the Box will have a blue background starting from the xs breakpoint onwards.

If you want to style your content for a specific breakpoint only, you'll need to create custom behavior using the theme breakpoints helper functions in the sx prop. Here's an example:

  sx={(theme) => ({
    [theme.breakpoints.only("sm")]: {
      backgroundColor: 'blue'
  Some content

See Working CodeSandbox Example: https://codesandbox.io/s/mui-breakpoints-in-sx-only-yr7h42?file=/demo.tsx

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