Tips for utilizing a personalized extension in Visual Studio Code

Embarking on my HTML journey, so please bear with me. I've been watching tutorial videos to get a better grasp of it, and one of the tutorials I'm following shows how to create a resume on GitHub using VS Code.

Check out the video here

At 3:44 in the video, they mention Boxicons & Google Fonts, and then something switches to green color, which seems like a custom extension being used. I have looked for similar extensions but couldn't find any that do what this one does. Can anyone help me identify which extension is being used?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Comments are an essential part of coding, providing developers with the ability to add notes and explanations within their code without affecting the actual output. Whether you use the shortcut ctrl + / or type them manually, comments serve as a valuable tool for understanding the functionality of your code.

It's worth noting that different programming languages have their own ways of defining comments. For instance, in HTML, you can use <!-- --> for comments like <!-- example -->, while languages like Javascript and C++ utilize symbols such as // for one-liners and /* */ for multi-line comments.

To enhance your coding experience, consider using extensions like 'Better Comments' which allow you to customize the appearance of your comments. Simply access the extension settings through your editor and tailor the layout to suit your preferences.

  • Open your settings
  • Navigate to extensions under user (or workspace)
  • Find and select 'Better Comments'
  • Access 'Edit in settings.json'

By customizing the characters and colors used for comments, you can make your code more visually appealing and organized, ultimately improving your workflow.

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