Add a new division to a component when a specific event handler is triggered by another component using React and the reduce method

Currently, I am developing an interactive drag-and-drop application using React and Redux. My goal is to insert a new div element into a container when the ondragstart event handler is triggered by a component.

The component responsible for the dragging operation is structured as follows:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

import {classify} from '../functions/functions'

export default class Actions extends Component {
        this.state={opacity : 1};
        this.dragstart = this.dragstart.bind(this)
        this.dragend = this.dragend.bind(this)
            this.setState({opacity : .4});
            let id =;
        this.setState({opacity : 1});
        let name = classify(;
        return  <div className={this.props.class} draggable='true' onDragStart={this.dragstart} onDragEnd={this.dragend} style={this.state}>
                    <img className="default actions-icon" src={'./icons/'+name+'/'+name+'-.svg'}/>
                    <span className="default">{name}</span>

The component where I intend to append an element:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

import Action from './actions'

class Activity extends component{
        const initialState = {
            drag: 'Off'
        let Actions => <Action key={} name={} class='default1 activity'/>)
        return  <div id={} className='default1 phase' >

export default Activity

This new element will be a child of the following component:

import React, {Component} from 'react'

import Action from './actions'
//import Activity from './activity'

import {actions} from '../variables/variables'

export default class Actionsbar extends Component {
        return <div id='process-display' className='default'>
                    <div id='pase-0' className='default1 phase'>
                        <Action key='debut' name='debut' class='default1 activity'/>
                    <div id='pase-1' className='default1 phase'>

As a newcomer to React and Redux, I'm struggling with maintaining state in the store and connecting it with components. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

I find it strange to save UI state in redux's store. The UI state of a component should be kept in the component's state, and then passed down to its children through props.

Only consider using redux for storing UI state if the components are significantly far apart in the hierarchy. However, it's important to carefully weigh the decision as adding redux can add complexity to the codebase.

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