Covering the entire screen, the Div element takes up the entirety of

Just like with other pages, the main div always takes up the entire screen visible to the user. As they scroll down, another div becomes visible: example1 , example2

Regardless of the screen size, the main div will always fill the space visible to the user.

To test this, I used the code below:

<div style="background:yellow; position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:-1; float:left;">
    This is my Section!

Using this code, a large yellow background with text fills the entire browser area. If I wanted to add another div beneath this one, how could I achieve that? Is it possible with CSS alone or would I need to use JavaScript?

Answer №1

It's possible to achieve this without using javascript by utilizing pure CSS alone.

By employing the vh units, you can set a margin-top on the subsequent container in the following manner:

#content { margin-top: 100vh;}

The benefit of this approach is that it's completely responsive, regardless of how you adjust the dimensions (height or width).

Take a look here

Answer №2

Upon reviewing your division more accurately, the following code snippet was identified:

top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; 

This code is responsible for the division occupying the entire screen as all values are set to 0, leaving no space between them.

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