Tips for showcasing boxed numerical characters on a website

Currently, I am tackling a project that involves converting a PDF into HTML. The original .ai file shows some numeric characters inside a box:

Even though I am aware that the font used in the file is GothicMB101Pro DeBold-83pv-RKSJ-H, unfortunately, I do not have access to the font file on my computer (and naturally, the original designer is no longer available). In Adobe Illustrator, it is displayed like this:

The character in part 1) is actually one single character - not "1" and ")", so I can rule out any issues with kerning but rather suspect it is a unicode character. However, after conducting multiple searches, I could not find an exact match. The enclosed numeric characters ① are also different.

Due to my uncertainty about which character it is, as well as my limited knowledge of Japanese (which appears to be a common theme in this particular case), I am unable to meet the requirements of my client.

Does anyone know what these characters are and how I can display them correctly on screen?

Answer №1

My assumption is that the text you are currently viewing, without the original font present, is made up of two characters. The first character is likely a standard one (such as the number 1), while the second character appears to be a combining character. Specifically, there exists a combining enclosing square character that resembles a closing parenthesis ")" in the final output. In my own experience, using the number 1 along with the enclosing square character within the StackOverflow answer editor produced the desired outcome:


If your current font fails to display the enclosing square character correctly, it is possible that the issue lies with the font being used as a substitute. Without knowledge of the specific font being utilized as a replacement, resolving this problem may prove challenging.

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