Tips for preventing table cells from vertically overflowing and displaying the table without any issues

I have tried numerous solutions from various sources, but none seem to work for my specific issue.

My HTML page consists only of a table that I want to print perfectly on a horizontal A4 sheet.

Here is the table without any text (it is a match referee):

The problem arises when I add text as it alters the height of the table.

I attempted inserting a div inside the td with a set height, but this did not provide the desired outcome.

Furthermore, I am seeking guidance on how to print the page horizontally as the table exceeds the printable area.

Below is an example snippet of my table:


Answer №1

If you're looking to control the size of your table and cells, consider using table-layout: fixed. This approach allows you to create a stretched table that doesn't adjust its height based on content.

.myTable {
  table-layout: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.myTable tr td div{
  overflow: hidden;
  border: 1px solid #333;
  height: 20px;

.myTable tr.higher td div {
  height: 40px;
<table class="myTable">
    <td><div>A lot of text to display.A lot of text to display.A lot of text to display.A lot of text to display.A lot of text to display.A lot of text to display.</div></td>
  <td><div>A lot of text to display. A lot of text to display. A lot of text to display.</div></td>
  <tr class="higher">
    <td><div>A lot of text to display. A lot of text to display. A lot of text to display.</div></td>
    <td><div>A lot of text to display. A lot of text to display.</div></td>

To make this work effectively in print media, insert it into @media print and fine-tune adjustments specific to your table layout.

For further information, check out these resources:

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