Tips for maintaining visibility of the selected option within a dropdown menu

When I choose one item from a dropdown list of 3, the selected item is still visible in the dropdown along with the other two. I would like all three items to be displayed even if one is selected.

reference dropdown Based on the reference image, even though "polo shirt" is selected, I want it to remain visible in the dropdown menu with a different background to indicate it has been chosen.

Answer №1

If you want to display selected items in your dropdown, set the hideSelectedOptions={false} prop on your selector.

Check out this example below:

const choices = [
  { id: "shirt", name: "T-shirt" },
  { id: "pants", name: "Pants" },
  { id: "jacket", name: "Jacket" },

export const DisplayChoices = () => {
  return <Dropdown options={choices} isMultiple hideSelectedOptions={false} />;

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