What is the best way to assign names to images in a Rails application?

When working in html, you can use the code

<img class="myimage" src="image.jpg">
to make editing in .css simpler. But what is the equivalent of this when dealing with a .html.erb file?

For example, where should I define the class in this

<%= image_tag "image.jpg" %>

Answer №1

If you want to include native HTML in a .html.erb file, it can be done just like this:

<img class="myimage" src="image.jpg">

Using this method can result in slightly faster rendering and ensures that your intended outcome is achieved.

Alternatively, if you prefer the dynamic tag approach, you can utilize the ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper. To replicate the shown example using Rails (ActionView), you would use the following syntax:

<%= image_tag 'image.jpg', class: 'myimage' %>

It's important to note that using { class: 'myimage' } as part of the class attribute is simply a shortcut for class: 'myimage'.

If you need to distinguish this image by providing an ID, you can do so like this:

<%= image_tag 'image.jpg', class: 'myimage', id: 'image-1' %>

This code will produce the following HTML output:

<img src="image.jpg" class="myimage" id="image-1">

By assigning the ID image-1, you have the flexibility to style this specific image separately from other images with the same class if necessary.

Answer №2

Here is a handy syntax you can utilize:

<%= image_tag('bar.jpg', class: 'img-responsive') %>

This technique will be beneficial for your project!

Answer №3

Adding a comma could really improve this code snippet:

<%= image_tag 'foo.jpg', class: 'bar' %>

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