The HTML code does not seem to be acknowledging the CakePHP link

When using Cakephp to generate a link with Html->link, the code looks like this:

echo $this->Html->link('Download',array(
   'plugin'=> 'galleries',
   'controller'=> 'galleries',
   'action'=> 'download',

The output is:

<a href="/galleries/galleries/download/schiffchen_seide.jpg" class="down">Download</a>

However, this generated link is not clickable. To make it work, I had to manually add the link in the HTML code.

Even when trying to echo the link directly, the same issue persists.

Below is a snippet from my view:

<nav><a href="#" class="rght">next</a><?php if($download){ echo $this->Html->link('Download',array('plugin' => 'galleries', 'controller' => 'galleries','action' => 'download',  $download),array('class'=>'down')); } ?><a href="#" class="lft">prev</a></nav>

If anyone has any insights on how to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

Resolution: It turned out to be a CSS issue rather than a PHP problem. Specifically, the z-index problem was affecting my Jquery Plugin (ImageViewer) rolleyes. The HTML structure is as follows:

<article><div class="info"><nav></nav</div></article><article><div class="info"><nav></nav</div></article><article><div class="info"><nav></nav</div></article>

The issue stemmed from the nav tags within each article tag. While the "prev&next" links were visible in each nav structure, the "download" link was not. This meant I could click on the "prev&next" links but not the "download" link. As a quick fix, I adjusted the z-index for my current article view. However, I will need to revisit my HTML code structure for a more permanent solution.

Thank you for taking the time to read my inquiry.

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