Tips for linking two divs together - one containing products and the other containing options

Seeking assistance with a coding problem related to showing and hiding items within a div based on the div's ID. Specifically, I have a div containing various products and another div with options related to these products. I need help establishing a connection so that only the relevant options are visible when a product is selected.

I have a function that retrieves the products but needs tweaking, and despite my efforts to find a solution online, I have been unsuccessful thus far. Here is the function:

// code snippet here

Below are examples of divs holding different options for products:

Option for product 1:

<div class="fpd-style" id="GCC67S"><img src="images/mizuno/gcc67s/web/web_base.png" data-parameters='{"x":220, "y": 229, "colors": "#dfd7c5,#000000,#ffffff,#990000"}' /></div>

Option for product 2:

<div class="fpd-style" id="test"><img src="images/mizuno/gcc67s/web/.png" data-parameters='{"x": 220, "y":229, "colors": "#dfd7c5,#000000,#ffffff,#990000"}' /></div>

Your guidance and support in improving the clarity and specificity of this question would be greatly appreciated to prevent any potential restrictions on asking future questions. Any input or details you can provide to enhance this query would be valued. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Gratefully seeking assistance,

Warm regards and cheers.

Answer №1

To establish a connection between products and available options, utilizing a data attribute can be beneficial. For example, incorporating data-opts:

<div id="products">
    <div class="product" data-opts="0,1,3">Product 0</div>
    <div class="product" data-opts="2,3">Product 1</div>
    <div class="product" data-opts="0,2">Product 2</div>
<div id="options">
    <div class="option">Option 0</div>
    <div class="option">Option 1</div>
    <div class="option">Option 2</div>
    <div class="option">Option 3</div>    

Upon clicking, the specified options are displayed while others are hidden.

$(".product").click(function productClick() {
    // create an array of numbers from data-opts, like [0,1,3]
    var opts = $(this).attr("data-opts").split(",").map(Number);
    $(".option").each(function optionEach(index) {
        // show if index is in opts, hide if not
        $(this).toggle(opts.indexOf(index) > -1);

This approach may not directly correlate with your current HTML structure, but it's adaptable to fit your needs.

Check out the working demonstration on jsfiddle. Also, explore another id-specific demo on jsfiddle.

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