Tips for implementing ng-hide/ng-show animations

Is there a way to create an animation on an element in Angular that will be triggered when the item's visibility is changed using ng-hide/ng-show?

Which specific CSS classes should be included to ensure smooth animations on elements?

Answer №1

To begin, ensure that you have included ngAnimate as a required dependency in your application. When dealing with adding or removing an element using ng-hide, remember that only CSS properties are involved. Simply adjust your logic accordingly if you are working with ng-show. The classes .ng-hide-add and .ng-hide-remove will trigger when the element is hidden or shown respectively. Apply the desired animation by adding an animation CSS property to each class.

Don't forget to chain the CSS properties, meaning that classes should directly follow one another without any spaces between them.

For example, use instead of .box .ng-hide-add

Check out this JSFiddle demo for reference.

Answer №2

To add animation functionality, include ['ngAnimate'] in your Angular module.

angular.module('animateApp', ['ngAnimate'])

Check out this sample code I put together:-

I hope you find this helpful.

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