Tips for ensuring consistent display of UTF-8 arrow characters across different web browsers

Is there a way to ensure consistent display of UTF-8 arrow characters across all browsers?

I have experimented with various font sizes like px and pt, as well as using HTML Entity codes (e.g. ◀) but unfortunately the arrows still show differences in appearance as shown below:

Answer №1

Consider incorporating a unique icon font such as IcoMoon, which provides consistency across different platforms and offers advantages like adjustable size and color.

Avoid using a generic font and standard symbol if your goal is to achieve an identical appearance.

Answer №2

I discovered a resolution: I made the switch from using "black pointing triangles" to utilizing "black pointing pointers", effectively addressing the cross-browser issue at hand:

Black-Pointing Triangles (lack of consistency across browsers)

◀ ▶

◀ ▶

Black-Pointing Pointers (consistent appearance across browsers)

◄ ►

◄ ►

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