Signal for a complete 360 degree rotation of an image

Looking to enhance my 360 image rotator with an indicator that fades out after the first image. I added this function to the end of my 360.js:

$('#first').css('visibility','hidden')) {
else {


Everything seems fine, but the script isn't checking whether the image is visible or not. I attempted to bind it to mousedown and mousemove events in my 360.js, but without success. Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue?

Here's a fiddle

Answer №1

Aside from the issues mentioned in my previous comments, there was another major problem I encountered.

The code is mistakenly setting currentImage to 1 instead of 0, while the indexing should be 0 based. This leads to the desired image not being visible and therefore, the fadeIn effect never occurs.

I also made a point to check for the presence of the 'notseen' class, although checking for hidden status would have sufficed as well.

If you'd like to view the latest fix, you can find it here:

Highlighted below are the key snippets from the code:

.bind('mousemove touchmove', function (e) {
    // ...
        if (Math.abs(currPos - pageX) >= widthStep) {
            if (currPos - pageX >= widthStep) {
                if (currImg > imageTotal) {
                    currImg = 0;
            } else {
                if (currImg < 0) {
                    currImg = imageTotal;
// ...
function fadeInOut() {
    if ($('#first').hasClass('notseen')) {
    } else {


Answer №2

JSFiddle presents a challenge when it comes to the placement of scripts. It seemed that your script was struggling to bind the event to the DOM because JSFiddle was loading it immediately upon page load. This could have been a factor in the issues you encountered locally.

To address this, I have made some slight modifications to your JSFiddle: JSFiddle. You will notice that I've added a firstMove boolean that either enables or disables the following script:

   if (!firstMove) {
        firstMove = true;

This change makes your placeholder fade out after the first movement. While I aim to find a way to eliminate the need for a boolean tracker, this adjustment should set you on the right path!

Additionally, please be aware that your current version evaluates every movement on the image, which can be resource-intensive particularly with jQuery selectors.

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