Tips for enlarging the font size of a number as the number increases

Utilizing the react-countup library to animate counting up to a specific value. When a user clicks a button, the generated value is 9.57, and through react-counter, it visually increments from 1.00 to 9.57 over time.

Here's the code snippet:

const { start } = useCountUp({
    ref: countUpRef,
    start: 1.00,
    end: val[rand],
    onReset: () => setRand(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)),

return (
        <Text ref={countUpRef} fontSize={val[rand] * 20} /> 
                bg: '#121212'
                bg: '#121212'
            New Value

Question: Can the size of the text component be dynamically increased as the number animates from 1.00 to 9.57?

Answer №1

The API documentation discusses the use of onUpdate in combination with react hooks to utilize state for triggering changes by incrementing the fontSize value.

This code snippet illustrates this concept:

const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState(10);

const onUpdate = () => {
    setFontSize(fontSize + 1)

const { start } = useCountUp({
    ref: countUpRef,
    start: 1.00,
    end: val[rand],
    decimals: 2,
    decimal: ".",
    onReset: () => setRand(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)),
    onUpdate, // can be expanded to onUpdate: onUpdate

You can then customize your style. While inline styling is used for demonstration purposes, there are more sophisticated methods for styling.

return (
            fontSize={val[rand] * 20}
            style={{ fontSize }} // set font size here 
                bg: '#121212'
                bg: '#121212'
            New Value

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