Dominating React Components with Unique CSS Styles

Currently, I have developed a NavBar component.

I've implemented some JavaScript code that changes the navbar's background color once it reaches 50px. However, I am facing an issue in applying this scroll effect to only one specific file and not all files.

Specifically, I would like this scrolling effect to be active only on the homepage and not on any other pages such as aboutPage or others.

 const [sticky, setSticky] = useState(false);
 useEffect(() => {
   window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
     window.scrollY > 50 ? setSticky(true) : setSticky(false);
 }, []);
 return (
   <nav className={`container ${sticky ? "dark-nav" : ""}`}>
     <Link to="/">
       <img src={Logo} className="Logo" alt="" />
     <ul className={mobileMenu ? "" : "hide-mobile-menu"}>
         <NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink>
         <NavLink to="/About">About</NavLink>
         <NavLink to="/Services">Services</NavLink>
         <NavLink to="/Contact">
           <btn className="btn">Contact Us</btn>
     <img src={menuIcon} alt="" className="menu-icon" onClick={toggleMenu} />

Answer №1

To ensure the scroll event listener is applied only to specific page URLs, you can add a check using window.location.pathname to extract the path without the domain.

useEffect(() => {
    const path = window.location.pathname.trim();
    if (path === "" || path === "/") { // checking for empty path or root path
        window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
             window.scrollY > 50 ? setSticky(true) : setSticky(false);
}, []);

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