Tips for eliminating inline scripts or HTML injections from input text using JavaScript or jQuery

Although this type of question may have been asked multiple times before, I am confident that this one is unique. On the server side, I have an Input TextArea control and I am attempting to eliminate all inline scripts or HTML injections. I have successfully removed script tags by using the following code-

$(document).ready(function () {
            $('#btnHTML').click(function () {
                var textarea = document.getElementById("txtar1");
                var stringOfHtml = textarea.value;
                var wrappedString = '<div>' + stringOfHtml + '</div>';
                var noScript = wrappedString.replace(/script/g, "THISISNOTASCRIPTREALLY");
                var html = $(noScript);
                var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
       = "tmp";
                tmp.innerHTML = html.html().replace(/THISISNOTASCRIPTREALLY/g, 'script');
                alert(html.html().replace(/THISISNOTASCRIPTREALLY/g, 'script'));
<textarea id="txtar1" style="width:200px;height:100px"></textarea><br/>
<input type="button" id="btnHTML" value="Remove HTML" />

However, my objective remains unaccomplished as I am seeking to prevent or eliminate all forms of inline script injection. Some examples include-

<table border="2">
<td onclick="javascript:alert('Hello')">

<table border="2">
<td alert('Hello')>

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1;url=">
<BR SIZE="&{alert('Injected')}"> 
<DIV STYLE="background-image: url(javascript:alert('Injected'))">

Any assistance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

A more secure approach to executing JavaScript on a website is to avoid inline code with

<script> ... source ... </script>
and instead utilize external JavaScript files by importing them using <script src="...">. This helps reduce the risk of attacks and enhances the overall safety of your website. To implement this in modern browsers, it is recommended to utilize the 'Content-Security-Policy' (CSP) property, which can be set either through meta attributes or headers.

For further insights on this topic, you may find this guide useful.

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