Tips for displaying the webpage background above a specific div by utilizing a differently shaped div

I designed a webpage with a background image. At the top, I placed a div element (let's call it div_1) set to 50% width which creates a horizontal black bar with 60% opacity. Directly above that, towards the left at 50%, I want another div element (div_2) with white background and rounded corners, also at 60% opacity, containing some content.

My goal is to make div_2 appear as if it is part of the background without being affected by div_1. However, because div_2 is on top of div_1 and has a transparent background, the black bar from div_1 interferes with the appearance of div_2.

I'm considering two possible solutions for this issue:

1) Implementing a reverse anti-clip feature to cut off the section of div_1 where div_2 is located, allowing div_2 to be displayed directly on the page background without any interference.

2) Introducing an additional div element (div_3) to display the portion of the background image that lies beneath div_2, positioning it over div_1, and then placing div_2 on top to create the illusion of being seamlessly integrated with the page background.

Despite exploring these options, I am still struggling to find a suitable solution. Any alternative suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Here is the current code snippet I have:

[View Code](

Please note the visibility issue of the "required" tag within div_2 due to the presence of div_1 behind it. Adjusting the layout so that div_1 floats next to div_2 is not feasible since div_2 has rounded corners.

After experimenting myself, I HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION. For those who may find it useful, please refer to my response below.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Are you looking for something similar to this? If so, you might be interested in learning about clipping and masking in computer graphics.

Clipping and masking are common operations used to hide visual portions of an element in computer graphics. If you have experience working with SVG or HTML Canvas, you might already be familiar with these operations. Clipping defines a visible region of an element, while masking involves compositing a mask image with the element to affect transparency. The CSS Masking specification aims to bring these operations to the world of HTML.

CSS 2.1 Clipping

In CSS 2.1, the clip property was introduced for rectangular clipping using the rect() function with four distance arguments. However, this property only worked on absolutely positioned elements, ignoring other elements.

The clip-path property was added to SVG to address this limitation and is now part of CSS Masking.

The clip-path Property

The clip-path property can be applied to HTML elements, SVG graphic elements, and SVG container elements. It references a clipPath element or basic shapes like rectangle, circle, ellipse, and polygon introduced in CSS Exclusions.

Using clip-path:

img {
  clip-path: url(#clipping);

The clip-path property provides more flexibility compared to the clip property, allowing for complex clipping regions defined by SVG elements or basic shapes.

Clipping operations can enhance the presentation of visual content by creating unique effects.

Masking Concept

An updated solution involving masking can provide alternative visual effects. By using the mask concept in SVG, you can achieve reverse scenarios.

The HTML structure:

    <linearGradient id="gradient" x1="0" y1="00%" x2 ="0" y2="100%">
      <stop stop-color="black" offset="0"/>
      <stop stop-color="white" offset="1"/>

    <mask id="masking" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
      <rect y="0.3" width="1" height=".7" fill="url(#)" />
      <circle cx=".5" cy=".5" r=".35" fill="white" />

<img id="a" src="image.jpg">

... (Additional content) ...

The CSS for applying masking:

img#a {
  mask: url(#masking);

... (Additional CSS) ...

Exploring both clipping and masking techniques can add depth and creativity to visual presentations.

Answer №2

It seems like I grasp your idea, but I'm puzzled as to why div_1 is completely positioned under div_2 instead of just being floated next to it, especially if div_1 will be obscured by div_2. Perhaps it would be clearer if you shared what you currently have.

Answer №3

After trying out various CSS techniques, I finally found a solution that worked perfectly for my needs.

I decided to make div_1 the parent of div_2 and added a large shadow to div_2 that spread across the entire page. Then, I set the overflow of div_1 to hidden and fixed its size to match the width and height of the strip I wanted. This setup resulted in only the shadow of div_2 being visible within the specified rectangle, creating the effect of a black strip behind div_2 without any unwanted interference (just remember, it's only a shadow!). This solution should work seamlessly across different browsers, making it a reliable option for future projects.

[Check out the code on JSFiddle](

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