Tips for decreasing Vuetify Grid column width on larger screens

I'm currently utilizing the vuetify grid system to construct a reply component. The column ratio is set at 1:11 for the icon and reply columns, respectively. Below you'll find the code snippet:

<v-row justify="center" class="ma-0 pa-0">
      class="pa-0 d-flex flex-column align-center"
      <v-icon size="24">mdi-thumb-up</v-icon>
      <span>{{ likes }}</span>
    <v-col id="question-col" cols="10" class="pa-0">
      <v-row class="ma-0 replyFont">
        {{ reply }}

While this setup appears good on smaller screens, issues arise as we reach screen sizes above 1100px. Even with cols="1", the width of the column becomes too extensive, leading to excessive space between the icon and reply columns. This is evident in the images below:

Is there a solution to prevent the v-col from exceeding the necessary width? Considering that the minimum value for the cols property is 1, how have you dealt with this issue in your projects?

Answer №1

If you utilize the cols="auto" attribute, one column will adjust its width based on content, while leaving the other column to expand to fill the remaining space.

<v-row justify="center" class="ma-0 pa-0">
    <v-col id="vote-col" cols="auto" class="blue py-0 d-flex flex-column align-center">
        <v-icon size="24">mdi-thumb-up</v-icon>
    <v-col id="question-col" class="pa-0">
        <v-row class="ma-0 replyFont">

Check out the demonstration here:

Answer №2

When you set cols="X", it will utilize the Vuetify CSS class col-X with the following definition:

.col-X {
    flex: 0 0 YY%;
    max-width: YY%;

In this code, YY is calculated as 100/12 * X where X represents the value assigned to cols. The value of X must be a whole number and should not be lower than 1.

This essentially means that the minimum width of the column will be 8.33333... percent.

If you require a smaller or fixed width, you will need to apply your own styling using the max-width CSS attribute...

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