Tips for creating dynamic rope animations with canvas and CSS3 styling

Interested in creating a canvas animation, or possibly using CSS3 for the same purpose. Looking to add an automatic rope animation, similar to it swaying gently. I've searched for scripts and other solutions, but haven't found anything suitable. Is it feasible to have the top of the rope fixed while the price tag rotates slightly at the bottom?

Any suggestions on how to get started with this project would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're looking to explore inverse kinematics (IK) and specifically for chains, here are some great resources to get started:

Check out this live example in JavaScript that demonstrates the basics. You can manipulate the end-point to see how it affects the other segments:

You can also find helpful information here:

There's an abundance of resources available on this topic. For more in-depth reading, consider these research papers:

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