Ensure that the container div is filled by the image if the image exceeds the dimensions of

I have a footer menu with a background image that is larger than the div itself (2000x168).

Even though I have set the width to 100%, it seems like the whole image isn't displaying. Instead, only a portion of it is visible, matching the size of my screen.

How can I make sure the complete image is shown and not just what fits on my screen?

Check out this example for reference.

   background: no-repeat url(http://eurekavi.com/barraroja.png) /*repeat 0 0*/;


The desired look for the image is as follows:

Answer №1

Depending on your preference:

    background: no-repeat url(http://eurekavi.com/barraroja.png) top center;
    background-size: contain;

To ensure a balanced appearance, you can center the background to avoid uneven black areas on the sides.

For more information, visit:

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

    background: no-repeat url(http://example.com/redbar.png);

Let me know if it works!

Answer №3

To implement a responsive background image in CSS3, utilize the background-size property.

    background:url(http://yoururl.com/image.png) no-repeat;
    background-size:100% auto;

This technique is effective on browsers that have support for CSS3. In this scenario, the height of the image adjusts based on the resolution ratio automatically. If you prefer a fixed size, consider the following approach:

background-size:width height;

In this code snippet, set your desired width in % or px, or use 100% for both dimensions as previously explained. Additionally, you can include the argument: background-position:center; This will align the image at the center.

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