Tips for creating a dynamic sticky footer

Seeking out a solution for a sticky footer that adjusts its height based on the width of the browser.

Creating sticky footers in flexible designs can be tricky. I've come across various suggestions, discussions, and fixes for implementing sticky footers. However, they all rely on a set and specific height for the footer. In my situation, the footer's height is determined by the amount of text it contains, which varies depending on the screen width.

Instead of using numerous media queries and complicated workarounds, I'm searching for a clean CSS solution where the sticky footer automatically adjusts as the screen width changes.

Does anyone have the perfect solution to this challenge?

Answer №1

Welcome to the enchanting world of flexbox! Give it a try here:

        body {
            padding: 0; margin: 0;
            display: flex;
            min-height: 100vh;
            flex-direction: column;
        main {
           flex: 1;
           padding: 1em;
        header, footer {
            background-color: #abc;
            padding: 1em;
    <header>Hello World</header>
        Quisque viverra sodales sapien, in ornare lectus iaculis in. Nam dapibus, metus a volutpat scelerisque, ligula felis imperdiet ipsum, a venenatis turpis velit vel nunc. In vel pharetra nunc. Mauris vitae porta libero. Ut consectetur condimentum felis, sed mattis justo lobortis scelerisque.

The paddings and margins are there for some extra flair, but the real magic lies in

display: flex; min-height: 100vh; flex-direction: column;
and flex: 1;.

For more inspiration and examples, visit

As explained by Mozilla...

The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of elements on a page such that the elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices. ... Note: Though CSS Flexible Boxes Layout specification is at the Candidate Recommendation stage, not all browsers have implemented it.

Answer №2

Consider implementing something along these lines:

Adjust the sticky footer height relative to the container's height using a percentage:

#sticky_footer {

You may need to adjust margin/padding for text with media queries, but the footer dimensions will adapt dynamically without them.

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