Tips for concealing scrollbar track without the use of overflow

Issue with Mystery Scrollbar

A strange phenomenon is occurring on all pages every time the user reloads - a mysterious scrollbar track appears out of nowhere. Initially, there is no sign of this scrollbar track, making it even more puzzling.

Despite the absence of overflow causing elements (and therefore no scrollbar necessity), this phantom scrollbar track continues to appear.

Have any insights into why this uninvited guest is showing up and how to banish it for good?

No Sign of Scrollbar Track on Initial Load

Mysterious Appearance of Scrollbar Track after Page Reload

Potential Solutions Attempted

Various attempts have been made to rid the page of this pesky scrollbar track, such as applying overflow-x: hidden to the parent element without success.

All components were eliminated one by one in hopes of pinpointing the culprit causing the overflow, yet no guilty parties were found.

An investigative technique involving outlining all elements with a border was employed to identify the suspect, but still no leads were discovered.

Answer №1

It is possible that the right scrollbar is causing the issue.

When you connect to the screen, it's a good idea to adjust the width of the html and body elements to accommodate the presence of the scrollbar on the right side.

For MacBooks, especially when using the touchpad frequently, the scrollbar may only appear during operation or remain visible at all times when a Bluetooth mouse is connected.

I can't address every scenario, but I suggest adjusting for the presence of the right scrollbar as mentioned earlier.

While this may not be the definitive solution, I hope it helps alleviate any discomfort you may be experiencing.

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