Tips for automatically breaking or paginating HTML in order to ensure that the resulting PDF mirrors the paginated HTML layout

I'm looking to implement a feature that automatically breaks or paginates HTML content in order to ensure that the resulting PDF matches the appearance of the original HTML.

Requirement: If HTML content exceeds the size of an A4 paper, it should be split onto a new page.

Question: How can I achieve pagination when content surpasses the dimensions of an A4 paper by utilizing a Vue plugin like vue-html2pdf?

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Clicking on the 'Auto add textcontent' button will generate multiple text lines and pages, but pagination is not functioning properly;

  2. Clicking on the 'Generate pdf' button successfully generates a PDF with proper pagination. Is there a way to enable automatic pagination without having to actually generate the PDF?

To view what I have attempted so far, please visit this Codesandbox link

Answer №1

To create a page break in your PDF, simply add an HTML element with the class html2pdf__page-break. This will instruct the document to start a new page after that specific element. Here is an example:

<div class="html2pdf__page-break"/>

After including the above <div>, all content following it will be displayed on a new page. This method works seamlessly with the package's automatic pagination feature, even without activating the manual-pagination property.

It is advisable to segment the content within the pdf-content section into distinct sub-sections known as pdf-item. Here is a sample structure:

<section slot="pdf-content">
    <section class="pdf-item">
        <h4>Your Title</h4>
            Some text...

    <div class="html2pdf__page-break"/>

    <section class="pdf-item">
            Additional content...

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