Troubleshooting: Inline Styles not displaying Background Div Images in Next.Js

I am currently attempting to display images in a component by using a map and an external JS file to store the images as objects. I then loop through them to set each one as a background image for every created div. However, it seems like my current implementation is not working as none of the images are showing up.

Component File: WorkImages.js

export default function WorkImage({workImages}) {
    return (
       => {
                    return (
                        <div style={{backgroundImage: `url(${work.image})` }} id='work-img' className='work-img' key={}>
                                <a href=""><div className="overlay">View Work</div></a>

Object File Where I am Retrieving the images from when looping (image.js):

import img1 from '../public/images/filler1.jpg'
import img2 from '../public/images/filler2.jpg'
import img3 from '../public/images/filler3.jpg'

const image = [
        id: 1,
        image: img1
        id: 2,
        image: img2
        id: 3,
        image: img3

export default image;

Main File Where I am trying to render out the divs with the dynamic background images (Work.js): import Aos from 'aos' import 'aos/dist/aos.css'

import {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import WorkImage from './WorkImage';
import image from './image'

export default function Work() {
    const [workImages, setImage] = useState(image);
    useEffect(() => {
        Aos.init({duration: 2000});
    }, []); 
    return (
        <section id='work' className='work-section'>
            <div data-aos='fade-left'>
                <h1 className="work-header">- RECENT WORK -</h1>
                <div className="showcase-wrapper">
                    <WorkImage workImages={workImages} />

Answer №1

Update your images array to include:

const images = [
        id: 1,
        image: '/images/filler1.jpg'
        id: 2,
        image: '/images/filler2.jpg'
        id: 3,
        image: '/images/filler3.jpg'

export default images;

If the images are already in the public directory, there is no need to import them.

Check out: Static File Serving

For those encountering a similar issue without using the public directory:

When using

import img from 'path/to/img.ext'
, img is of type StaticImageData, defined as:

type StaticImageData = {
  src: string;
  height: number;
  width: number;
  placeholder?: string;

In such cases, utilize img.src for the URL. You can also use this alternative approach instead of the previous solution:

{backgroundImage: `url(${work.image.src})` }

In this specific scenario, you could simplify by not needing an images object since the files are correctly named sequentially. The following approach should also suffice:

Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => i + 1).map((i) => (
    style={{ backgroundImage: `url(/images/filler${i}.jpg)` }}
    <a href='/'>
      <div className='overlay'>View Work</div>

PS: Adjust your id and key in map. Setting the same id for multiple elements and utilizing index as key is not recommended.

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