Tips for automatically adjusting the height of the footer

Is there a way to dynamically adjust the height of the footer based on the content length inside the body?

I've been exploring solutions like setting the position of the footer as "fixed," but it seems to stay at the bottom of the screen, which is not what I want. Ideally, I would like the footer to appear when the user reaches the bottom of the page and automatically adjust its height as the height of the main_content changes dynamically. The main_content's height property is set to auto. How can I achieve this?

To see how it currently appears, click here:

Here's the code:


    <div  id="main_content">
        <p>Some text</p>
       ....(content truncated for brevity)...
        <p>Some text</p>
    <div id="footer">
        &copy; 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved.


#main_content {
    width: auto;
    background: #FFF;
    border:1px solid lightgray;
    background: #666;
    padding: 24px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #CCC;
    text-align: center;

Answer №1

To get the desired layout, you can adjust the positioning like this:

#main_content {
    background: #FFF;
    border:1px solid lightgray;
#main_content > p {
    margin-left: 440px;
#main_content > p:first-child {
    margin-top: 110px;
#footer {
    background: #666;
    padding: 24px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #CCC;
    text-align: center;

<div id="main_content">
    <p>Some text</p>
    <p>Some text</p>
    <div id="footer">&copy; 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved.</div>

Answer №2

In my opinion, implementing the following code snippet could be beneficial:

#content_area {
    background: #FFF;
    border:1px solid lightgray;

    background: #666;
    padding: 24px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #CCC;
    text-align: center;


Answer №3

Here is an example of how you can define your HTML:

    <div id="wrapper">
        <div id="header"></div>
        <div id="content"></div>
        <div id="footer"></div>

Additionally, here is the CSS for styling (note that the footer is set to be absolute, and the wrapper is relative):

body {
#wrapper {
#header {
#content {
    padding-bottom:80px;   /* Height of the footer element */
#footer {

You can view a live example here.

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