Experiencing excessive CPU usage while utilizing a progress bar in Angular

Whenever I try to load a page with 2 progress bars, my CPU usage goes through the roof...

I decided to investigate and found that once I removed them, the site's speed improved significantly.

Here's a code snippet of one of the progress bars:

<progressbar class="progress-danger progress-striped active" value="procentValueEmail" name="domains_emails_search">

    <span class="badge badge-info-rev" n>
        {{procentValueEmail | number:1}}%

I'm utilizing Angularjs and 'procentValueEmail' remains a constant value.

Does anyone have insights on implementing a lag-free progress bar in Angular?

<script src="static/bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="static/bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script>

Answer №1

Within your HTML code, there is a specific class called 'active' that triggers unnecessary redraws by activating animations that are not even visible.

<progressbar class="progress-danger progress-striped" value="procentValueEmail" name = "domains_emails_search">

If you eliminate this class, you can avoid the performance problem altogether.

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