Tips for applying horizontal padding to the container-fluid class in Bootstrap 5

I'm struggling with the CSS code I wrote: .container-fluid{padding 3% 15%;} It's only adjusting the vertical padding to 3%, and there's no change in horizontal padding.

#title {
    background-color: #ff4c68;

.container-fluid {
    padding: 3% 15%;

h1 {
    font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    font-size: 3rem;
    line-height: 1.5;
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I need to figure out how to add 15% horizontal padding to the container-fluid class div element so that it centers on the screen.

UPDATE: It seems Bootstrap has some predefined padding for .container-fluid in their CSS. When I disable it using Dev Tools in my browser, I achieve the desired 15% horizontal padding. Is there a proper solution to address this issue?

Answer №1

I encountered this issue myself while following a tutorial on Tindog. While the other solution provided may work, there is a more efficient way to achieve the desired outcome. Check out this link for more information. You can assign an id or class to the <body> tag:

<body id="bootstrap-overrides">

Then, you can target specific elements in your CSS file by using that id, like so:

#bootstrap-overrides .container-fluid {
  padding: 3% 15%;

This method will apply styling to all relevant elements.

Answer №2

Consider this suggestion:

.container-fluid {
    increase padding: 3% on all sides and 15% on the left and right with high priority;

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