Creating a button in ReactJS with text displayed under an icon

Presently, I am working with a component that looks like this:

This is the code for the component:

import React from "react";
import {withStyles} from "material-ui/styles";
import Settings from "material-ui-icons/Settings"; 
import Button from "material-ui/Button";

const styles = {
button: {
    color: "primary",
    height: 95,
    width: 95,
    disableRipple: "true",
    focusRipple: "true",
icon: {
    height: 35,
    width: 35,
    display: "block",
    float: "none",
text: {
    height: 35,
    width: 35,
    display: "block",
    float: "none",
    marginTop: 10,

/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
const IconedLabel = ({classes}) => (
    <Button className={classes.iconButton} variant="raised" color="primary">
        <Settings className={classes.icon}/>
        <div className={classes.text}>Message</div>

export default withStyles(styles)(IconedLabel);

However, I would like the button to have an icon at the top and text message at the bottom. I am using reactjs and the material-ui library which can be found here.

Answer №1

The Button component utilizes flexbox for controlling the layout and alignment of content. To align the content vertically (with the icon above the text), a simple adjustment can be made by changing the flex-direction to column.

It's important to remember that this style modification should be applied to an element within the button component, not the root element. The classes property can be used to override all styles in a component.

In this scenario, adding flexDirection: column to the label class is recommended.

Read more about customizing classes in material ui v1

Below is a functional example. I hope it proves helpful.

const [React, ReactDOM, Button, Settings, withStyles] = [window.React, window.ReactDOM, window['material-ui'].Button, ({className}) => <i className={`material-icons ${className}`}>settings</i>, window['material-ui'].withStyles]
// Ignore code above this line

const styles = theme => ({
  button: {
    height: 95, // setting height/width is optional
  label: {
    // Aligns the content of the button vertically.
    flexDirection: 'column'
  icon: {
    fontSize: '32px !important',
    marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit

const CustomButton = ({ classes }) => (
    /* Use classes property to inject custom styles */
    classes={{ root: classes.button, label: classes.label }}
    <Settings className={classes.icon} />

const WrappedCustomButton = withStyles(styles)(CustomButton)
ReactDOM.render(<WrappedCustomButton />, document.querySelector('#root'))
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3f525e4b5a4d565e53124a567f0e110f110f125d5a4b5e110b0f">[email protected]</a>/umd/material-ui.production.min.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><div id="root" />

Answer №2

An option that may not be ideal is:

.MuiIconButton-label {
  flex-direction: column

This could be considered bad practice as it limits flexibility in using the standard format elsewhere.

Instead, I chose to assign a class name nav-bar-icon-wrapper to the IconButton and adjust the flex direction in its parent element:

.nav-bar-icon-wrapper {
  flex-direction: column

.MuiIconButton-label {
  flex-direction: inherit

If there comes a time when I need the icon/label button to display in a standard format, I can simply add a new class default-icon-wrapper with appropriate styling:

.default-icon-wrapper {
  flex-direction: row

For What It's Worth (FWIW): I advocate for the BEM methodology , and recommend adding an optional modifier prop when creating components.

I have functions in a shared directory that function like this:

export function BEMifyThis(modifier) {
    return (klass) => BEMify(klass, modifier)

export function BEMify(klass, modifier=false) {
    if (modifier) {
      klass += ` ${klass}-${modifier}`
    return klass

This approach allows users to access component elements as a group or individually by utilizing their modifiers throughout the component.

import {BEMifyThis} from '../shared/bem'
const BEMify = BEMifyThis(this.props.modifier)

transforms into

Therefore, a classname like navbar__menu_item would become

navbar__menu_item navbar__menu_item-logout

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