Tips for aligning one item in the center and another item on the right with MUI v5

My goal is to center 3 navigation tabs in the middle of my page and have a dropdown on the far right for sorting. I managed to get the dropdown on the far right, but I'm having trouble perfectly centering the 3 navigation tabs inside the <Box> <Box/> component.

Here is an image illustrating what I'm trying to achieve:

You can view my code sandbox here:

    sx={{ marginTop: 3, marginBottom: 3, alignItems: 'center' }}
        sx={{ marginRight: 'auto' }}
            <Tab label="Tab 1" />
            <Tab label="Tab 2" />
            <Tab label="Tab 3" />
        style={{ flexGrow: 0 }}
            sx={{ minWidth: 150 }}
            <InputLabel id="sort-by">Sort By</InputLabel>
                label="Sort By"
                <MenuItem value="oldest">Oldest</MenuItem>

I came across a similar post that uses pure CSS for alignment, but I struggled to implement it with MUI components: Center one and right/left align other flexbox element

Answer №1

Check out this solution where I utilized the Box component instead of Grid. This setup mirrors the example you referenced in the post, but with a grid.

  gridTemplateColumns="1fr 1fr 1fr"
  <Box gridColumn="2">
    <Tabs centered value={'null'} onChange={handleChangeTab}>
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />
      <Tab label="Tab 3" />
    gridColumn={{ xs: '1 / -1', sm: '3' }}
    gridRow={{ xs: '2', sm: '1' }}
    justifySelf={{ xs: 'center', sm: 'end' }}
    <FormControl sx={{ minWidth: 150 }} size="small">
      <InputLabel id="sort-by">Sort By</InputLabel>
      <Select labelId="sort-by" value="Some Value" label="Sort By" onChange={handleSorting}>
        <MenuItem value="oldest">Oldest</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem value="newest">Newest</MenuItem>

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