Hover or click on HTML input type using CSS in your webpage

I am currently working on adding hover effects to my elements. I have successfully added a hover effect to the outer list item, but I am wondering how I can achieve the same effect on the <input> element instead of the <li>.

ul.slides li:hover {
    border:2px solid #701344;

<div class="albums-div">
    <ul class="slides" style="width:148px; height:148px">


              foreach($rings as $ring)
                echo '<li> <input class="teringimage"  type="image" src="'. $ring['ringThumbNailImagePath'] .'" name="checked" value="' . $ring['id'].'" data-my-info="'. $ring['ringSetName'] .'" style="width:108px; height:108px;"></li>';

Answer №1

Employing the following technique:

ul.slides li input:hover {
    border:2px solid #701344;

Answer №2

Are you experiencing resolution after reading this? Or is it better for the text to stay red even when not in focus? If that's the case, incorporating JavaScript may be necessary.

ul.slides li input:hover, ul.slides li input:focus {
 border: 2px solid #701344;

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