Tips for adjusting the width of Material UI TextField within a Table

I am utilizing a Material UI Table.

This is how I construct it:, row) => {
        <TableRow key={this.state.key + "_row_" + row}> 
        {, col) => {
        let adHocProps = {...this.props, type:"Text", label:"", value:cellContent}

        return (
            <TableCell className={classes.tableCell} key={this.props.key + "_row:" + row + "_col:" + col}>
                {col===0 && this.props.rowHeaders ?
                <div className={classes.header}>{cellContent}</div> :
                <Question {...adHocProps} stateChangeHandler={this.handleTableChange("in build")} />}
    return null;

return (
    <Table key={this.props.key + "_table"} className={classes.table}>
                { => <TableCell className={classes.tableCell} key={ + header}><div className={classes.header}>{header}</div></TableCell>)}

The Question essentially functions as an enhanced [TextField]2, implemented like so:


... and then enclosed in a Paper.

The styling details are:

tableCell: {
    padding: 5,
textField: {
    padding: 0,
    margin: 0,
    backgroundColor: "#191",

While this setup provides the desired content in each cell, the Question component appears to have excessive width and some unremovable padding.

The table spans full-width until a certain point, after which there is noticeable spacing at this juncture:

Upon shrinking the window below that threshold, the table doesn't contract further, behaving as though its elements possess a minimum width attribute.

To investigate, changing the Question element to just display "Hi" results in this appearance:

(improved compression, albeit excess top, bottom, and right padding)

Hence, the impediment may lie within my Question component. Notably, other Questions exhibit similar issues — suggesting a default minimal width unless embedded within a container like a Material UI Grid. When housed within a `Grid and subjected to window shrinkage, they scale appropriately:

Why does the Table/TableCell fail to shrink textFields akin to the behavior of the Grid? (or rather, how do I eliminate the apparent minWidth on my textFields?) Is there an implicit minimum width for Material UI TextFields?

Attempts to establish column widths achieved success for expansive tables yet failed to address the presumed minimum width issue.

Even switching the Question to

<input type="text" name="fname" />
left the problem unresolved. Intriguingly, upon reducing the Question to mere "hi," the quirk vanished, but resurfaced with input insertion.

Answer №1

After researching, I found out that the default width of native input fields is set to 20 characters:

The crucial aspect here is the 'size' property:

This property specifies the width of an element in characters, with a default value of 20.

If you want to adjust the width of a TextField, you need to pass properties to the native input field.

To customize the properties applied to the native input, you can follow these steps:

const inputProps = {
  step: 300,

return <TextField id="time" type="time" inputProps={inputProps} />;

In my scenario, I managed to change the TextFields size to 10 characters by implementing the following modifications:

                        size: 10

However, the sizing adjustment is not ideal as it doesn't strictly adhere to the specified size nor does it treat it as a minimum size. It seems like there is a hierarchy of sizing interactions involving GridItems, table Columns, flex areas, and TextField elements, creating uncertainty on which one takes precedence.

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