Tips for accessing attribute values with Selenium and CSS selectors

Below is the HTML code snippet I am working with:

<a href="/search/?p=2&q=move&mt=1"> 2 </a>

I am trying to extract the content of the href attribute, specifically "/search/?p=2&q=move&mt=1". Could someone provide me with the appropriate command and CSS locator for this task using Selenium?

If I have multiple similar elements like:

<a href="/search/?p=2&q=move&mt=1"> 2 </a> 
<a href="/search/?p=2&q=move&mt=2"> 3 </a> 

How would I construct a CSS locator syntax to target the href attribute value containing '2' in the text?

Answer №1

If your HTML code only contains an <a> tag, you can achieve the desired result with the following line of code:

String href = selenium.getAttribute("css=a@href");

To accomplish this, utilize the DefaultSelenium#getAttribute() method. Simply supply a CSS locator and append an @ symbol followed by the attribute name you wish to retrieve. In our scenario, we are selecting the a element and retrieving its @href attribute.

In regard to your recent comment/edit:

  1. The section after @ indicates to Selenium that it represents the attribute's name.

  2. When constructing the locator, ensure you place :contains('2') before @href as it is part of the locator syntax rather than an attribute. The revised line should appear as follows:


Answer №2

Try changing css=a@href to just href. Let me know if this doesn't work.

    List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.className("c"));
        for(WebElement element : elements)
           String doctorName = element.getText();
           String linkValue = element.getAttribute("href");

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