There seems to be a styling issue in my CSS where the text element is consistently displaying one line below its corresponding label

When working with Rails 3.2.16 and incorporating Twitter Bootstrap into my forms using simple_form_for, I noticed that all of my text elements were showing up below and to the right of their labels, despite using the form-horizontal class. Here is a snippet of the HTML:

<div class="control-group text optional">
  <label class="text optional" for="user_email">Email</label>
  <div class="controls">
    <input id="user_email" class="text optional" type="text" value="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5a3b3e28333b3474313633343d3f361a37233c332e373f342e74393537">[email protected]</a>" size="30" name="user[email]">

This is how it looks on the screen:

               <Text box for email>

Even after trying to debug with Firebug and without any custom CSS, I struggled to get it in line with the label. The frustration with CSS is real, especially as someone from a programming background.

The label was adjusted with:

display: block;

Despite numerous settings in Bootstrap for .form-horizontal, adjusting the controls div didn't seem straightforward. After applying float:left to the label, I finally achieved the desired layout. However, it made me wonder why the form-horizontal class didn't include this by default. It left me questioning its intended purpose.

Answer №1

Another effective method to achieve the same result as using float: left; is by replacing it with display: inline-block;

Using display: block; will cause a line break.

To learn more, check out this link: CSS display: inline vs inline-block

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