The Verdana font in Microsoft Word appears with a distinct rendering when converted to an HTML-based

I'm currently working on generating a PDF from an HTML template. Our customer provided the template they previously used in Word, and they require the font to be Verdana. The challenge I'm facing is that Verdana looks smaller and has a different weight when applied using CSS compared to how it appears in Word. I've attempted to make the CSS version resemble the Word document by:

  1. increasing the font-weight - but CSS only supports 400 (normal) or 700 (bold), which doesn't give me the desired in-between weight.
  2. adding text-shadow - I managed to achieve a similar look in the HTML template using text-shadow: 0.1px 0 black;, but this styling was ignored when rendering the PDF. Only fixed pixel sizes like text-shadow: 1px 0 black; were taken into account, resulting in a bolder effect than intended.

Do you have any suggestions on how I could resolve this issue? Verdana is crucial as it's the customer's signature font and a non-negotiable requirement.

Just to note, for PDF rendering I am utilizing the .Net core version of SelectPDF.

Thank you,


Answer №1

Typically, web browsers and PDFs utilize separate layout and font engines, resulting in differences in how content is displayed. One potential solution is adjusting the DPI settings of your PDF to ensure it matches the resolution of your monitor.

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