The use of backdrop-filter results in artifacts appearing in rounded corners

I am experiencing an issue with a CSS animation where I have an element that fades and child elements with a backdrop-filter to blur the background in Safari.

There are two specific problems:

  1. The element's rounded borders are showing dark shadows in each corner.

  2. When the element is fading in, the blur effect does not appear until the fade animation is complete.

To see a demo on Safari and iOS Safari, visit:

One solution is to remove the backdrop-filter to eliminate the artifacts in the corners.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate the problem you are experiencing since I do not have access to iOS devices. However, a potential solution for resolving border-radius issues is by including the following code:


Ensure to add this to the element with rounded corners and test it out. Feel free to provide us with any updates on your progress.

Answer №2

This issue has been identified as a bug specific to Safari, but luckily it has been resolved in Technology Preview 6:

Learn more about Safari TP 6 here

Despite this fix, the second issue remains unresolved.

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