The styling of PrimeNG Element cannot be directly applied using the default Angular 2 ViewEncapsulation (Emulated) as it is not scoped

Attempting to utilize the styleUrls property in my Angular 2 component for leveraging View Encapsulation has presented an issue when new elements are inserted into the DOM post-Angular initialization.

The problem arises with a PrimeNG paginator that lacks appropriate styling due to the lack of scope applied by Angular.

For example, while the <p-datatable> element retains its initial scope since it was part of the original markup, the dynamically added <p-paginator> does not.

Consequently, the styles injected by Angular into the HEAD do not correctly apply to my elements:

    p-datatable[_ngcontent-xnm-4] p-paginator[_ngcontent-xnm-4]:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

Is this a limitation of view encapsulation in Angular 2, or is there a method to re-scope the DOM as needed?

edited for typo and clarified title

Answer №1

One reason for this issue is due to the Shadow DOM and its style scoping functionality. While your template includes the p-datatable which is correctly scoped, any child elements added later are not scoped. To apply custom styling, you have two options.

Option 1 - Special Selectors (Recommended)

I suggest using special selectors to maintain view encapsulation with Shadow DOM. You can target components using PrimeNG by using :host and /deep/ selectors like so:

:host /deep/ .ui-paginator-bottom {
  display: none;

This approach ensures that styles cascade down through the component tree, applying them to all child component views even if only p-datatable is present in your component's own template.

Option 2 - Disable View Encapsulation

You can disable View Encapsulation at the component level by setting it to ViewEncapsulation.None as shown below:

import { ..., ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';

@Component {
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,

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