The size of the panel header does not seem to be adjusting as expected within the React

I need help adjusting the header size in a React-Bootstrap Panel within a Typescript application. I've tried wrapping the text in <h1> tags as specified in the documentation, but there seems to be no change.

Even with attempts to add inline styles or a CSS class to adjust the font size, nothing seems to work.

Below is the code snippet:

const title = (<h1>{Constants.gameTitle}</h1>);
<PanelGroup defaultActiveKey="1" accordion key="accordion1">
    <Panel defaultExpanded header={title} className="changeFontSize" eventKey="1" bsSize="large" bsStyle="primary">

Would appreciate any suggestions on how this could be achieved effectively?

Answer №1

Because the panel-title class comes with a default font-size, you must use !important to override the previously set CSS.

const title = (<h1 style={{fontSize: '80px !important'}}>{Constants.gameTitle}</h1>);
<PanelGroup defaultActiveKey="1" accordion key="accordion1">
    <Panel defaultExpanded header={title} className="changeFontSize" eventKey="1" bsSize="large" bsStyle="primary">

Why aren't the font-size styles applied to elements like h1 or h2?

It is because of the existing font-size property in the panel-title class that takes priority over the heading elements.

How can this be fixed?

You can either use inline styles with !important as demonstrated above, or increase specificity by adding additional tags, ids, or classes to the selector.


You could also define a CSS rule with the same selector later in the stylesheet (the last one defined wins).

CSS file

h1.panel-title {
    font-size: 36px;
h2.panel-title {
    font-size: 30px;
h3.panel-title {
    font-size: 24px;
h4.panel-title {
    font-size: 18px
h5.panel-title {
    font-size: 14px
h6.panel-title {
    font-size: 10px;

Answer №2

If you want to achieve this, you can follow the example provided here

var {Button, PanelGroup, Panel, ButtonGroup, DropdownButton, MenuItem} = ReactBootstrap

const titleStyle = {'fontSize': '50px'}

const title = <h1 style={titleStyle}>Tarun</h1>;

const nav = ( <PanelGroup defaultActiveKey="1" accordion key="accordion1">
    <Panel defaultExpanded header={title} className="changeFontSize" eventKey="1" bsSize="large" bsStyle="primary">

var mountNode = document.getElementById("app")
ReactDOM.render(nav, mountNode);

You can also access a live demo on JSFiddle given below

Once you implement it, you should see the following result

Why isn't the font size changing with h1, h2, or h3 tags?

The font-size is not changing because the React component assigns a panel-title class with a specified font-size of 16px, overriding any tag-specific styles.

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