In Firefox, the scaling of svg masks is not functioning properly

Trying to utilize an svg for masking an image, but encountering scaling issues in Firefox. Safari and Chrome seem to display correctly, with proper fallbacks for IE.


SVG File:


-webkit-mask: url("../img/feelfilms-logo.svg#logo_mask");
mask: url("../img/feelfilms-logo.svg#logo_mask");
-webkit-mask-image: url(../img/feelfilms-logo.svg) top left / cover;
background-color: #d01d38;
background-blend-mode: multiply;
background-position: 50% 50%;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;

Desired appearance...

Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue?

Link to SVG on pastebin:

Answer №1

Need help calculating your points to the ratio versions? Check out this handy calculator:

Once you use the calculator, your svg paths should look like this:

<svg version="1.1" id="Ebene_2" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
 viewBox="0 0 246.059 217.445" enable-background="new 0 0 246.059 217.445" xml:space="preserve">

        <mask id="logo_mask2" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox">

            <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M0.4998801100549055,0.8250053848873644c-0.21133142864109827,0-0.38608626386354494-0.1706907692870409-0.38608626386354494-0.38608626386354494h-0.016256263741622944c0,0.2235236264473155,0.1788189011578524,0.40234252760516787,0.4064065935405736,0.40234252760516787c0.2235236264473155,0,0.4064065935405736-0.1788189011578524,0.4064065935405736-0.40234252760516787h-0.016256263741622944C0.8859663739184505,0.6502505496649178,0.7112115386960038,0.8250053848873644,0.4998801100549055,0.8250053848873644z,,0.8250053848873644c-0.21133142864109827,0-0.38608626386354494-0.1706907692870409-0.38608626386354494-0.38608626386354494h-0.016256263741622944c0,0.2235236264473155,0.1788189011578524,0.40234252760516787,0.4064065935405736,0.40234252760516787c0.2235236264473155,0,0.4064065935405736-0.1788189011578524,0.4064065935405736-0.40234252760516787h-0.016256263741622944C0.8859663739184505,0.6502505496649178,0.7112115386960038,0.8250053848873644,0.4998801100549055,0.8250053848873644z"/>



<path d="M123.274,203.551c-52.442,0-95.107-42.662-95.107-95.098h-4.893c0,55.139,44.858,99.991,100,99.991


Remember to include the 'maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox"' as Robert Longson suggested in his comment; otherwise, it may not display correctly. It's also advisable to add a fill for the path in Firefox (e.g., fill="#FFFFFF" - color doesn't matter). Chrome does not seem to require this.

Answer №2

If you're looking for the calculator, it's now available again on my website:

Here is a practical example (works best on Firefox)

#test {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  mask: url(#m1);
<svg x="0px" y="0px" width="250px" height="250px" viewBox="0 0 250 250">
    <mask id="m1" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
      <path style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;fill:#ffffff;" d="M0.796,0L0.172,0.004C0.068,0.008,0.008,0.068,0,0.172V0.824c0,0.076,0.06,0.16,0.168,0.172h0.652c0.072,0,0.148-0.06,0.172-0.144V0.14C1,0.06,0.908,0,0.796,0zM0.812,0.968H0.36v-0.224h0.312v-0.24H0.36V0.3h0.316l0-0.264l0.116-0c0.088,0,0.164,0.044,0.164,0.096l0,0.696C0.96,0.912,0.876,0.968,0.812,0.968z"

<img src="" id="test" alt="">

How Does It work: The calculator divides dimensions obtained from SVG path by the SVG width (or Height, always use highest as your input), and then displays the output.


    h163.563c18.619,0,37.235-15.788,43.885-36.84V35.526C250,15.89,227.399,0,199.468,0z M203.456,242.105H90.424v-56.578h78.458

is equal to (responsive result):


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