Switch Between Different Background Colors for Table Rows With Each Click

This script changes colors when a row in a specific column is clicked:




background: #3498db;}

background: #f1c40f;}

background: #2ecc71;}

You can view some examples here: http://jsfiddle.net/pqyxM/5/ and http://jsfiddle.net/FSFpZ/

If you have any insights on how to make the color change persist with each click, please share your thoughts. Thank you!

Answer №1

Perhaps this solution may meet your requirements, by incorporating additional code to switch the class name and store it in a variable.

Subsequently, you can employ this variable to alternate the succeeding color: http://jsfiddle.net/reubenhutton/FSFpZ/55/

var className; 
    $.each(classes, function(key, val){
            className = val;

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