I've attempted to use FindElementByName
but I keep getting a no such element error when it should recognize this name. What am I overlooking? This issue is occurring on the website Intacct.com. Despite my efforts, I have been unable to find a unique CSS selector or a valid relative XPath using ChroPath. Is there an alternative method I can use to interact with this field?
<input id="filter" class="filter" type="text" name="F_RECORDID" value="" onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13) c('.rb','0');" ctype="text">
Sub newCSS()
Dim bot As New Selenium.WebDriver
bot.Start "Chrome", "https://www.intacct.com/ia/acct/login.phtml?_ga=2.13247287.1007588550.1536894830-1229002215.1536894830"
bot.get "/"
bot.FindElementByXPath("//span[@class='iamenutitle'][contains(text(),'Accounts Payable')]").Click
bot.SwitchToFrame .FindElementById("iamain")