The scaling feature in CSS does not function properly in Internet Explorer 8

I've tried multiple approaches to transform the IE Matrix, but I'm facing an issue with the transform scale CSS not functioning in IE8.


.fture_box ul li.fture_img img{
width: 451px;
height: 284px;
display: block;
margin: 0 0px 0 11px;
padding: 0px;
float: left;

.ie8 .fture_box ul li.fture_img img{
 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1.2, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1.2, SizingMethod='auto expand')";

Can anyone provide guidance on how to resolve this compatibility issue in IE8?

Answer №1

If you're working with Internet Explorer 8, keep in mind that it does not support CCS3 transforms. While incorporating another library may not be ideal, consider exploring velocity.js. This tool utilizes CSS3 when possible and switches to Javascript for older browsers like IE8. Additionally, jQuery is optional and not a requirement.

$.velocity({scale: 1.2});

Answer №2

Unfortunately, CSS transform does not work on IE8.

If you're interested in checking browser support for front-end web technologies on both desktop and mobile browsers, visit

To see the support status of CSS transform specifically, go to

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