The PurgeCSS CLI does not generate CSS files beyond the command line interface

I'm struggling to successfully extract my CSS using purgecss from the command line and save it to a separate file. The instructions on are vague:

By default, the CLI only outputs the result in the console. To save the purified CSS files to a directory, you need to provide a specific output location:

purgecss --css css/app.css --content src/index.html "src/**/*.js" --output build/css/

Despite attempting various versions of the code above, I've either ended up printing the code in the command line or receiving an error message.

My attempted solutions:

purgecss --css bootstrap.css --font.css --juan.css --content index.html --output build/css/
purgecss --css bootstrap.css --font.css --juan.css --content index.html "assets" --output build/css/
purgecss --css bootstrap.css --font.css --content index.html "/assets" --output 

If anyone has insight on how to accurately save my CSS to a specific file, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If the destination folder does not already exist, PurgeCSS will trigger an error. Assuming your output directory is in place, your PurgeCSS script should run smoothly. It appears that PurgeCSS doesn't care if there is a trailing slash at the end of the directory path.

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