Generating symbols that combine both images and text seamlessly

I am working with a circle image that I need to resize based on its placement. This image is intended to be a background for a character or two of text.

Specifically, whenever the number 1 or 2 appears in a certain element, I want the circle to appear behind the text at that location. The text may contain other images as well, which will be sized using ems units for proper alignment.

For demonstration purposes, here is the image:

Essentially, this is how I want the text to function:

This is a paragraph (1) of the text.

In this example, (1) should display as a shrunken image with the numeral 1 centered inside it. I may adjust the size later, but initially, it can be around 1.2 em. I am implementing this with JavaScript and would appreciate guidance on defining the CSS style.

Additionally, the symbol/text combination must be contained within a table cell floating to the right of a relatively positioned div, inside another absolutely positioned div. I hope these design considerations do not interfere with the desired display results. Thank you.

Answer №1

To incorporate the (1) effectively, consider placing it within a span styled with display: inline-block;

By doing this, the span can have block element features (like setting a background-image and width) while still seamlessly integrating with the surrounding text. Adjust the background image size using background-size property and matching it to the span's width.

Explore this JSFiddle for a visual example.

Answer №2

This technique is most effective when applied with a monospaced font. Utilize your chosen image as the background-image for the container holding the text. Find the location of the '1' in the given string and adjust the background-position by adding an em value equal to the index + 1. In cases where there are multiple instances of '1', consider positioning additional elements beneath the text container using absolute positioning.

Answer №3

Changing the size of a background image using CSS is not possible to my knowledge. If resizing the image dynamically is not necessary, you can wrap the number in a <span> with the appropriate background-image and other CSS rules applied.

However, for browsers that support CSS display: inline-block;, the following code will work:

      style="width: 1em; height: 1em;" />
      style="margin-left: -1em; 
             width: 1em; 
             display: inline-block; 
             text-align: center;">1</span>

Personally, I prefer creating different sized images and using them as background-images for a span around a number. For example:

<p class="big-text">
    Lorem <span class="number">1</span> ipsum
<p class="small-text">
    Lorem <span class="number">1</span> ipsum

...with corresponding CSS:

p.big-text span.number {
    background-image: url(/big-circle.png);

p.small-text span.number {
    background-image: url(/small-circle.png);

Answer №4

Due to the limitation of not being able to edit my previous comment, I have decided to share it as a separate answer:

If you're looking to achieve this with css3, here's one way to do it:

background: url( no-repeat center center;
-webkit-background-size: contain;
-moz-background-size: contain;
-o-background-size: contain;
background-size: contain;

Feel free to check out the demo here:

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