Is there a way to showcase posts with a certain tag in a single column on my tumblr theme, while reserving the other column for posts aimed at the wider audience?

I am interested in customizing my theme so that one section on the homepage of my blog only shows posts with a specific tag (such as "mine" or "personal"), while another section displays all posts, regardless of tags.

Although I have searched through similar queries on this platform, such as Trying to add tagged posts section to sidebar (not text but images) - Tumblr and In tumblr, show only posts with a certain tag in the home page, none of them provided the solution I am looking for.

I also found a question titled tumblr post specification container which was close to what I want to achieve, but I am unable to figure out how the asker implemented it or how I can modify it to suit my needs.

While I do have some HTML experience, it has been a while since I last used it extensively, so I would greatly appreciate any assistance in accomplishing this task.

Answer №1

Although this method may be considered outdated, for those interested in achieving this task, consider utilizing the {TagsAsClasses} variable in Tumblr and incorporating some Javascript to modify how posts are displayed. You can find helpful information on Tumblr's theming techniques by visiting this link. Additionally, you can gather inspiration from this answer. Feel free to take a look at how I've implemented it on my own blog.

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