The Proper Usage of Commas in CSS

Check out this CSS code snippet.

.form-field {min-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 4px; width: 80px;}
.form-field TEXTAREA, INPUT[type='text'] {position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 0px; height: 15px;}
.form-field TEXTAREA {height: 80px;}

If there is an input or textarea within the div.form-field, the specified css rules will be applied to them.

However, the issue arises when the css also gets applied to any INPUT[type='text'] elements, even if they are not inside a .form-field. How can this behavior be prevented?

Answer №1

.form-field TEXTAREA, .form-field INPUT[type='text']{

Answer №2

The comma serves as the separator for the complete selector. Therefore,

.form-field TEXTAREA, INPUT[type='text']
targets both .form-field TEXTAREA and INPUT[type='text'].

If you're looking for an alternative, you can explore the :matches() selector. Currently, this feature is only supported in FireFox under the :-moz-any() selector. This syntax allows you to do:

.form-field:-moz-any(TEXTAREA, INPUT[type='text'])

However, a more universally accepted approach would be:

.form-field TEXTAREA, .form-field INPUT[type='text']

On a side note, it's recommended to use lowercase for HTML tag names. Thus, you should consider using:

.form-field textarea, .form-field input[type='text']

Answer №3

Oops, you were looking for OR functionality, please disregard this.

The + "Matches any A element immediately followed by a sibling element B." Source: W3

.form-field SELECT + INPUT[type='text'] {position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 0px; height: 15px;}

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